Wednesday, 17 August 2011

About Me

My name is Alura, I live between Quebec and Colorado with my husband and black Persian cat, Baudelaire. I'm a mountain witch at heart, but am lucky to live in this ancient city. Turn any corner in old Quebec and you can still see the gents and ladies in their fine millinery. I often find myself with in the walls of Old Quebec at night, touched by a spirit who is passing me by. Many a strange thing happens here-and I just love it. I am lucky to live in a 200 year old building around the corner from a graveyard and next to a mortuary. I am a medium so its all good!
I'm also an antiques lover! I truly love to see, examine and touch the beautiful things that we are privileged to have! There is an energy to all things old, as if the original owner is following it's item where ever it my go. Nothing is more precious to me than old books, especially now that there's books online, down loadable, all sorts of other media. But for me, there is nothing like a tangible old book, full of knowledge and pictures of times long gone.
Anyhow, I've been practicing the Craft for many many years. I'm a member of the Sisterhood of Avalaon, a private spiritual group on a collective quest.
I'm hoping to go full force with my arts and crafts here on etsy. I'd love to quit the "day" job!
Please check back often as I will be having oils made for ritual work, mystical candles, vial necklaces, hand dipped tapers, and more soap!! Everything will be made from the finest ingredients including organic herbs, soy wax, cotton wicks, goats milk base, pure vegetable base, including my own herbs that I grow in my garden in the summer time!!!
Everything is made when the Moon is right!! I always cast a circle and cleanse my space before making any spell potion, ritual soap and such. Everything is made with respect for the Earth!! I waste nothing and recycle as much as humanly possible!
Also I wanted to mention why my prices are lower than other crafters...I do not have the same over head as many of my friends here do! I have no rent or mortgage, or large debts! That makes it possible for me to charge less and saves you money!

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